Friday, 2 March 2018

Minis: Harlan-Branz Freight

Re: Uniform Redesign
To: Local Operating Officer, Ursis Prime

We regret to report that a redesign is not authorized at this time. Our trading position in the wider sector has weakened over the past three business cycles and Ursis Prime remains critical to our profitability. While we are saddened by the reports of worker discontent flaring into violent actions against administrative staff, we must remind you that the new uniforms were designed by Governor Windzor's beloved daughter. He appears to share his daughter's inexplicably positive view of her "creations" and any alterations will result in political difficulties. I regret to say that the styling of the Mk. 2 Harlan-Branz liftbot can be attributed to the same source. Our focus groups indicate that rather than presenting a friendly appearance, it is, rather, "creepy", "likely to cause night terrors in children and livestock" and "downright hideous". Again, our hands are tied.

While avoiding mass painting squads and vehicles, I've gathered a mix of miniatures to provide a bit of colour in my scenarios. Harlan-Branz are a very minor trading power in the wider sector but, due to their close links with the Winzors, they dominate the mass freight sector on Ursis. Think of them as the Generic-Corp of my particular setting.
The human minis are all from Ion Age's Starport Staff. The bot is from their Year Two Collection. The sculpts are tidy and easy to work with. The only difficulty was working out if the headsets were inside or outside the hood. I've gone with inside, a better set of eyes may disagree. Tiny irrational quibble mentioned, I loved the robot. In fact, the entire idea was sparked by the robot, from the name of the company to the paint scheme.

I went with base coats of Genestealer Purple and Ceramite White as I figured they wanted their staff and robots to look as non threatening as possible. I think it provides a suitable strong contrast for 15mm minis and adds a certain corporate branding feel to the paintjob. I used Skrag Brown on their boots as I wanted them to look lighter and less functional than those of my combat troops. Following on from my pledge to avoid a mono-chrome future, I went with a mix of skin tones, using Kislev Flesh, Cadian Fleshtone and Terracotta to mix things up.

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